MGM Grand Hotel Fire

This photo is from the official fire report about the cause and origin of the fire.

On November 21 1980 at 7am the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas NV experienced every hotel manager's worst nightmare, a raging fire, multiple fatalities, and no end in the immediate future. The hotel was a 26 story structure with over 2,000,000 square feet and had been aged less than 7 years. The ground floor held a casino and showroom which encompassed an open area bigger than a football field. The fire began in hte 'Deli' an unsprinklered restaurant on the casino level in a wall soffit due to an electrical fault. At the onset of the fire there were over 5,000 people inside this hotel. In the end 87 people would be dead and over 650 injured people would have been transported to area hospitals making this fire the second most deadly hotel blaze in US history. In the top photo above you can see the helicopters circling the hotel and the construction area to add 780 guest rooms (to augment the existing 2,076).

The photos above have been gleaned from other sites and have been credits as courtesy Las Vegas Review Journal and show the fire in progress at the top then the rows of burnt slot machines and another scene photo. I will be posting more links and information on this fire in the future.
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